驚爆焦點 Spotlight


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導演: 湯瑪士麥卡錫
編劇: 喬許辛格 湯瑪士麥卡錫
演員: 米高基頓 馬克魯法洛 瑞秋麥亞當斯


2016-03-20 19:32:23

To the "glorious" journalism dream

Watching this Oscar awarded movie in the last day of my intern at an international news agency was like an irony. It was a precious experience to work for an outstanding investigative journalist of the biggest news agency around the world in China.However, I failed.

Be passionate, be enthusiastic. The "glorious" dream of journalism accompanied me to attend the journalism school four years ago without considering another major for a second, and to apply for the best journalism graduate schools worldwide without regret. Finally I succeed in the admission, but was stuck in the real-world journalistic practice.

It's like a nightmare to work there day after day without any sense of achievement. Criticized by the demanding manager every day, I turned to be more stressed, more awkward, more frustrated and desperate. Disrupted by a lot of factors, I have lost the essence of being a journalist for a long time and got used to conducting reports within the circumscription. It was safer, easier, and happier, but a way far from the ideal journalism principals.

It has to be admitted that this kind of report is much easier abroad, but there still exist a minority of domestic reporters who dance on the knives. Dancing on the knives is challenging but adventurous. It was all that I dreamed four years ago, but was something out of my comfort zone four years later as I'm going to graduate from a journalism school.

The more practice, the more disappointed, the farther away from the original dream. Maybe it's because the original dream was not strong enough to persist for a long time. Maybe the original dream has never existed.