八惡人 The Hateful Eight


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導演: 昆丁塔倫提諾
編劇: 昆丁塔倫提諾
演員: 山繆傑克森 寇特羅素 珍妮佛傑森李 華頓哥金斯 德米安畢齊


2016-03-27 00:35:53


1.絞刑官:You have to nail it shut!There's a hammer and nails by the door!你得把門釘住!門邊有錘子和釘子!

2.絞刑官:To me,it doesn't matter what you did,When I hang you,I will get no satisfaction from your death.It's my job.I hang you in Red Rock,I move on to the next town,I hang someone else there.The man who pulls the lever,that breaks your neck will be a dispassionate man.他是個公正的人。
And that dispassion is the the very essence of justice.那份公正在世正義的精髓。
For justice delivered without dispassion,is always in danger of not being justince.若正義不是公平地專遞下去的話,就不是真正的正義。

3.黑人少校:She still stinkin' up the place with her "Old Quail" pipe tobacco?
Senior Bob:Ha.Minnie doesn't smoke a apipe.She rolls her own.她自己捲菸草。"Red Apple Tobaccao".But mi negro amigo,I think you already know this.
黑人少校:Yeah,I do,Senor Bob,just seein' if you do.只是看你知不知道。

4.絞刑官:I know Americans aren't apt to let little thing like an unconditional surrender get in the way of a good war.我知道美國人民不會因為無條件投降就妨礙了一場戰爭。My Nubian friend,while I realize passions are high,that was a while ago.我覺得你有點情緒激動過久了。And if you shoot this un-armed old man I guarantee I will hang you by the neck until you are dead.Once we arrive in Red Rock.

5.寫自傳的人:A bastards work is never done,huh,John Ruth?就是幹得這麼絕是吧。

6.黑人少校:Blink if you're calm.冷靜了就眨眼。
黑人少校:Did he blink?
Jonh Ruth:He blinked.

黑人少校:Blink if you're gonna remain calm.保持冷靜的話就眨眼。
John Ruth:He blinked.
黑人少校:Take his pistol.

7.Daisy Doemingreu:(Be chained)No no no no no no.
John Ruth:Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,shut up!

8.黑人少校:No so fast Chris.We'll get there.別妄下定論,克里斯,我們一步一步來推理。
Let's slow it down.Let's slow it way down.慢慢來比較快。

9.黑人少校:"No dogs or Merxicans allowed."墨西哥人與狗不得入內。
Minie hang that sign up the day she opened this Habadashery.And it hung over that Bar every day till she took down,a little over two years ago.
You know why she took it down?She started lettin' in dogs.她允許狗進店了。
Now Minnie likes just about everybody,but she sure don't like Mexicans.明妮現在比較平易近人了,不過我確定她不喜歡墨西哥人。
And if you lyin,which you are,then you killed Minnie (Gun shots) and Sweet Dave.

10.黑人少校:Now one of y'all poinsoned this coffy,to free Daisy.If I don't hear a confession from one of you motherfuckers quick,fast and in a hurry,I'm gonna pull this whole pot of coffy,down that bitches goddamn throat.Okay,time's up.

11.Sweet Dave:Best coffy on the mountain.
Minnie:Stagecoach drives like it.Passengers,not so much.馬伕喜歡喝,路人就不一定了。Most find it might too strong.

12.Minnie:Hey Dave,ask me if my ass is fat.
Sweet Dave:What?
Minnie:Ask me if my ass is fat.
Sweet Dave:It is.
Minnie:I said ask me!
Sweet Dave:Why?
Minnie:Just do it!
Sweet Dave:Is your ass fat?
Minnie:Oui.Look at that y'all I can speak French.

13.Jody Doemingreu:Now remenber,it doesn't matter if we have four men or forty,we're still gonna be facing John Ruth chained to my sister with a pistol pointed at her belly.Now killin' that fella' 'fore he kills my sister,ain't gonna be that easy.But you believe that's exactly what we're gonna do.So the name of the game here is patience.所以我們都得有耐心。

14.黑人少校:Chris Mannix,I may have misjudged you.
Chris Mannix:Now we've come to the part of the story.現在我們才到重點。Where I blow your goddamn head off!看我不斃了你的腦袋!

15.黑人少校Warron:John Ruth was one mighty,mighty bastard.But the last thing that bastard did,'fore he died,was save your life.救了你一命。We gonna die,white boy.We ain't got no say in that.But there's one thing left we do have a say in.只有一件事我們沒確定。And that how we kill this bitch.And I say,shootin's too good for her.John Ruth could shot her anywhere,anytime along the way.But John Ruth was The Hangman (dispassionate justice) and when The Hangman catched ya',you dont die by no bullet.You hang.
Chris Mannix:You only need to hang Mean Bastards.But Mean Bastards,you need to hang.只要是大壞蛋,你就得絞死他們。
down to death(絕對的,直逼的)

16.黑人少校:Hang on,Daisy.I wanna watch.

17.黑人少校:Now that,was a nice dance.看,魔鬼的步伐。
Chris Mannix:That sure was pretty.真的相當美。

18.Lincoln's letter:hopefully our path will cross in the future until then I remain your friend.Ole Marry Todd's calling so I guess it must be time for bed.Respectfully.Abraham Lincoln.
Chris Mannix:Ole' Marry Todd...That's a nice touch.