意外心房客--The Lady in the Van


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導演: 尼可拉斯海納
編劇: Alan Bennett
演員: 瑪姬史密斯 吉姆布洛班特 Clare Hammond 喬治芬頓 Alex Jennings


2016-03-28 04:15:09

Miss Shepherd

1.Good nature,or what is often considered as such,is the most selfish of all virtues.It is nine times out of 10 mere indolence of disposition.
Hazlitt.And it's will.Pure will.

2.Mr. Bennett 1:She's known what she's wanted all along.

3.Mr. Bennett 2:Whereupon she applies the handbrake with such determination,that,like Excalibur,it can never afterwards be released.她拉手剎的決心,正如亞瑟王抽拔他的神劍。

4.Mr. Bennett 2:I sometimes get a glimpse of Miss Shepherd praying,and it is seldom a tranquil or a meditative process.一般都很吵。

5.Mom:An educated woman,and living like that.Mind you,you're going down the same road.No cloth on the table.No holder for the toilet roll.Given time,I could have this place spotless.
Mr. Bennett 2:You've got a home.You don't want to live here.

6.瑪莉:I didn't say I didn't like it.I don't want to hear it,that's all.

7.Mr. Bennett 1:Should she speak now?Should she explain?
Mr. Bennett 2:Well,she never lets on.Never explains.她從來不會說什麼,更不會解釋什麼。
Mr. Bennett 1:Well,maybe she should.

8.瑪莉:It needed tuning.鋼琴需要調音。Some of the notes are dead.But it sounded more beautiful to me than any of the pianos I'd ever played.

9.瑪莉:I said,couldn't I just play some hymns for us to sing to?And she said that was arguing,And I never make a nun if I argued.如果狡辯就永遠做不成修女。

10.瑪莉:I've no time for sorry.Sorry is for God.

11.Mr. Bennett 1:She said,"Graham,my one aim in my life is for you to be happy.If I thought that by dying it would make you happy,I would."
I said,"Mam.Your dying wouldn't make me happy.In fact,the reverse.It would make me unhappy.Anyway,Mam,you're not going to die."
She said,"No,I'm not going to die.I'm going to be married.The honeymoon is in Tenerrife.Have one of your tablets.'(落幕)

12.Mr. Bennett 2:Another parcel on the path.
Mr. Bennett 1:If...When I write abour all this,people will say there's too much about shit.But there was a lot about shit.Shit was in the forefront.大便是這個故事的重點。
Caring.which is not a word I like.Caring is about shit.關懷才和屎有關。

13.Mr. Bennett 2:Do not call me the carer.I am not the carer.I hate caring.I hate the thought.I hate the word.我討厭照顧別人 討厭有這種想法 連這個詞都不想聽見
I do not care,and I do not care for.我不在乎 也不關心別人
I am here,she is there.There is no caring.

14.Mr. Bennett 1:People will think it's because you're too nice.It's actually because you're too timid.其實你是因為太膽小了。
Mr. Bennett 2:Yes.Though this being England,timid is good,too.

15.瑪莉:No,I've always had great faith in onions.不,我相信吃洋蔥可以治好我的病。
Doctor:Yes.But onions can only take you so far,medically speaking.

16.Mr. Bennett 2:I'm not a saint,just lazy.

17.瑪莉's next to kin:Margaret was his pupil.She had to go over to Paris for lessons.It wasn't easy in those days.And practise.She used to practise all day long.Well,the nuns put a stop to that.Test of obedience.因為忠順測試。
I was a vet in Africa,and when I came back,the music was out.Finished.Practising had become praying.練琴被禱告取代。

18.瑪莉:The nurse came and gave me some finishing touches.護士進來幫我把水擦乾淨了。She said I'd come up a treat.她說我等會有治療。

19.瑪莉:What do I want with flowers?They only die.I've got enough on my plate without flowers.

20.瑪莉:Music.How are people supposed to avoind it?You see,I had it at my fingertips.I had it in my bones.I could play in the dark.Had to sometimes.And the keys were like rooms.C major and D minor.Dark rooms and light rooms.Just like a mansion to me,music.Only it worried me,that playing came easier than praying.And I said this,which may have been an error.
Mr. Bennett 2:Said it to whom?
瑪莉:My confessor.He said,that was another vent the devil could creep through.彈琴是另一種會釋放內心惡魔的途徑。So,he outlawed the piano.Put paid to music generally.終結了一切與音樂有關的東西。Said dividends would accrue in terms of growth of the spirit.還說你得到的回報會隨著靈魂的昇華而積累。

21.瑪莉:Mr. Bennett,hold my hand.It is clean.

22.Priest:Lord grant her everlasting rest and let perpectual light shine upon her.Present her to God the Most High.

23.瑪莉:It was the same with Saint Bernadette.They didn't realise with her until it was too late.她也是死後才被認清了自身的價值。

24.瑪莉(after death):I came into your drive for three months.And I stayed for 15 years.Mr. Bennett?Do you know what that is?It's the last laugh.這是勝利的微笑。

25.Mr. Bennett 2:She remained on the edge of it so long,she became not incidental to it at all.而現在她成了我生活中不可分割的一部份。(我自己,愛就是從不會付出到學會付出)

26.Mr. Bennett 2:孩子照顧父母時想著think of it as just marking time before their lives start.So like then,I learned there is no such thing as marking time and time marks you.

27.Mr. Bennett 2:Maybe she taught me is,that you don't put yourself into what you write.You find yourself there.不要硬生生的把自己往故事裡套,而是要學會體會故事,發現自己的影子。
Mr. Bennett 1:I never wanted to write about her.If there'd been a bit more in your life,I wouldn't have had to.如果你多關心關心自己的生活,那我就不用寫了。
Mr. Bennett 2:Maybe I will now.
Mr. Bennett 1:What?
Mr. Bennett 2:Have a bit more in my life.I might even start living.

28.Mr. Bennett 2:That's the end of the story.It might make a paly.或許被拍成戲劇。What you think?
Lover:Now I'm here,I think you should stop talking to yourself.