惡女訂製服--The Dressmaker


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導演: 喬瑟琳摩浩斯
原著: 羅莎莉漢姆
編劇: P·J·賀根 喬瑟琳摩浩斯
演員: 凱特溫絲蕾 連恩漢斯沃 雨果威明


2016-03-31 00:38:03

Dressmaker, dress yourself


Someone is set up, someone wants to make it up, and strap up, and stride up, the rumor, and the curse, always hurt, people cannot restore from the hurt, but people can choose, choose stop or go forward.

Actually, I don't understand why Myrtle backs, she needn't, for a challenge? or for himself, to reach a peaceful from heart? you always can't understand some kinds of people in the world, they do not satisfy with now, they always wanna the tomorrow, or, future, they call it like this, never, they wanna change, wanna challenge, wanna change the unrest currently status, who the hell know the reason, anyway, they affect us, touch our deep in the heart, feel something shining like the sunshine on the ground, grass land, mountain, river, and forest,

I can't really describe a beautiful life or perfect life or a wonder life like, it just likes a mirror, depends on your wise or your benevolence, there is nothing but yourself in the mirror.

BTW, the BGM is awesome perfect.
