百老匯上空子彈--Bullets Over Broadway


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導演: 伍迪艾倫
編劇: 伍迪艾倫 道格拉斯麥葛雷斯
演員: 約翰庫薩克 傑克華登 Tony Sirico Victor Colicchio


2016-04-14 20:53:08

Life is not perfect. Plus, it is short.

And I've written one play every year for the past 20 years.
- That's because you're a genius.
The proof is that both common people and intellectuals find your work completely incoherent.

You know, I think the mistake we women make is we fall in love with the artist--We fall in love with
the artist, not the man.

- Let me level with you.
This is a dog-eat-dog world, not an ideal world.
If you wanna get your play on, you're gonna have to make a few concessions.
Life is not perfect. Plus, it is short.
If you can't figure that out, you might as well pack up right now and go back to 匹茲堡.

- I'm not in the mood!
- What do you mean?you're not in the mood?
Honey, you better get in the mood, 'cause he's payin' the rent.

Fate acts in strange ways.

Have you ever thought about whether, when you fall in love... do you fall in love with
the artist or the man?

Guilt is petit bourgeois crap. An artist creates his own moral universe.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Ha-ha! Look who's here.
The big Broadway success.
I don't write hits. My plays are art.- They're written specifically to go unproduced.

Did you love me as the artist or as the man?

I could love a man if he's not a real artist...but I couldn't love an artist if he's not a real man.

- You're confusing sex and love.
- No, for me, love is very deep. Sex only has to go a few inches.

There's two things of which I'm certain. One is that I love you.
Two is that I'm not an artist.
