情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


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導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2016-05-04 12:27:38


「To some people, love doesn't exist unless you acknowledge it in front of other people.」

「All we really want is love's confusing joy.」

「You don't step into love, you fall in. head over heels.」

「When you love someone you love all of them. That's the job.」

「Edison, what the heck is wrong with you? → I『m in love.」

「Love can't be planned.」

「Listen to me. I know I let you down. And maybe you don't think I deserve forgiveness but you're gonna give it to me anyway, because when you love someone you love all of them. That's the job. And now, please, you gotta love everything about them, not just the good things but the bad things too. The things that you find lovable and the things you don't find lovable.」

「I actually learned something. In a relationship, you have to accept the other person for all of what they are, not just the parts that are easy to like. And you're stupid if you turn your back on something as important as love.」