

6.9 / 32,016人    106分鐘

導演: 莎拉賈芙蓉
編劇: 艾比摩根
演員: 凱莉墨里根 海倫娜波漢卡特 梅莉史翠普 安瑪莉達芙 班維蕭


2016-05-10 03:06:34

Never surrender, never give up the fight.【經典對白整理】

Women do not have the calmness of temperament, or the balance of mind to exercise judgment in political affairs. If we allow women to vote, it will mean the loss of social structure. Women are well represented by their fathers, brothers, husbands. Once the vote was given, it would be impossible to stop at this. Women would then demand the rights of becoming mps, cabinet, ministers, judges.

【潘克赫斯特夫人演講稿 00:45:30】
My friends, in spite of this majesty’s government, I am here tonight. I know the sacrifice you have made to be here. Many of you ,I know, are estranged from the lives you once had. Yet, I feel you spirit tonight. For 50 years, we have labored peacefully to secure the vote for women. We』ve been ridiculed, battered and ignored. Now we have realized that deeds and sacrifices must be the order of the day. We are fighting for a time in which every little girl born into the world will have an equal chance with her brothers. Never underestimate the power we women have to define our own destines. We do not want to be lawbreakers, we want to be lawmakers. Be militant, each of you in your own way. Those of you who can break the windows, break them. Those of you who can further attack the sacred idol of property, do so. We have been left with no alternative, but to defy this government. If we must go to prison to obtain the vote, let it to be the windows of government, not the bodies of women which shall be broken. I incite this meeting, and all the women in the Britain to rebellion. I would rather be a rebel than a slave.
Never surrender, never give up the fight.

Dear Mr. steed . I thought about your offer, and I have to say no. You see, I am a suffragette after all. You tell me no one listens to girls like me. Well, I can』t have that anymore. All my life I』ve not been respectful, done what men told me. I know better now. I』m worth no more, no less than you. Mrs. Pankhurst said, if it’s right for men to fight for their freedom, then it’s right for women to fight for theirs. If the laws says I can』t see my son, I will fight to change that law. We』re both foot soldiers in our own way. Both fighting for our cause. I won』t betray mine. Would you betray yours? If you thought I would, you were wrong about me. Yours sincerely, Maud watts.

Steed: You know there was a housekeeper on her way back when the bomb went off? She forgot her gloves. If she was two minutes later, what would that have done for your cause? Violence doesn』t discern! It takes the innocent and the guilty! What gives you the right to put that woman’s life at risk?
Maud: What gave you the right to stand in the middle of a riot and watch women beaten and do nothing? You』re a hypocrite.
Steed: I uphold the law.
Maud: The law means nothing. I』ve had no say in making the law.
Steed: That’s an excuse. It’s all we have.
Maud: We break windows, we burn things, cause war is the only language men listen to. Cause you』ve beaten us and betrayed us, and there’s nothing else left.
Steed: And there’s nothing left but to stop you.
Maud:What are you gonna do? Lock us all up? We』re in every home, we』re half the human race. You can』t stop us all.
Steed: You might lose your life before this is over.
Maud: And we will win.

The woman wanderer goes forth to seek the land of freedom, how am I to get there? Reason answers, there is one way, and one way only. Down the banks of labor, through the waters of suffering, there is no other. The woman, having discarded all to which she』d formerly clung, cries out. For what do I go to this far land which no one has ever reached? I am alone. I』m utterly alone. And reason said to her, silence. What do you hear? And she said, I hear the sound of feat. A thousand times, ten thousands and thousands of thousands, and they beat this way. They are the feet of those that shall follow you, lead on.