單身啪啪啪 How to Be Single


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導演: 克利絲汀‧帝特
編劇: 達娜福克斯
原著: 麗茲圖西蘿
演員: 達柯塔強生 愛莉森布里


2016-06-01 08:22:21

How to be single,nobody tell how !

I've been thinking that the time we have to be single,is really the time we have to get good at being alone.But,how good at being alone do we really want to be?Isn't there a danger that you 'll get so good at being single,so set in your ways,that you'll miss out the chance to be with someboby great?some people take baby steps to settle down.Some people refuse to settle at all.sometimes,it's not statistics.It's just chemistry.And sometimes,just because it is over,doesn't mean the love ends.
The thing about being single is,you should cherish it.Because in a week or a lifetime,of being alone,you may only get one moment.One moment,when you 've not tiep up,in a relationship with anyone.A parent,a pet,a sibling,a friend.One moment when you stand on your own,really truly
single.And then,it's gone

我一直在思考當我們單身的時候,我們得學會享受孤獨,但是,我們得有多享受孤獨才行 ?難道我們不會認為太過享受單身了,自己一個人太快活了,結果卻錯失了找到另外一半真愛的機會?有些人得花很久慢慢學習才能安頓下來,有些人則完全拒絕安頓,有時候,這並不是統計學,而是兩個人的化學發應,而有些時候,雖然關係結束了,但並不意味著愛也消散了!
