魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking


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導演: 詹姆斯波賓
編劇: 琳達沃爾夫頓
演員: 蜜雅娃絲柯思卡 強尼戴普 薩夏拜倫柯恩 安海瑟薇 海倫娜波漢卡特


2016-06-03 00:12:28

The reviewing of Alice's adventures(original, 2010ver. &2016ver.)


Alice through the looking glass is originally the official sequel of Alice』 s adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Since 1950s there are so many versions of Alice movies that it give us the illusion of seeing different Alice casts on screen is a kind of tradition which needs to appeared within several years. The 2010 version probably is the most prevailing one because not only directed by Tim Burton but also because it spread out of original novel and reveal what happened after a grown-up Alice went back to Wonderland. Indeed Alice is just an innocent little girl in Carroll’s novel and the basic logic of whole book is usually appears either in a psychopath’s recognition or in child’s dream. Compare to the little girl, Alice seems to be more responsible for people around and things happening in front of her (ex. The Hatter waited for ten years till the return of Alice make his time running normally. Back to the first time they met Alice just having small talks with him and left abruptly).
If we draw a clear link between Alice’s adventures in Wonderland and Alice in Wonderland (movie 2010) then it would be not difficult to tell in latter one a mature Alice come back to childhood’s dreamlike place to make it up some mistakes she once made unconsciously---also, as a indication to what’s happening in her real life, what she achieved in new adventures in Wonderland is quite parallel to her behaviors in 『realistic world』.
I』ve been a true Alice fan since I was five years old. As I recall I bought a CD of Alice of classic Disney version but the producer must daydreaming a little bit when he check my CD because every time I watch when Alice starts to visit the Hatter it starts to playing Peter Pan’s story. Few years later after I racked my brains to imagine what’s happening next I finally ended up my Alice daydream by searching through Internet and watched the whole movie. What I trying to express is, trust me, it’s really difficult for those who haven』t seen the original one to understand a special extra episode like Alice in Wonderland (2010) because of the blank gap between what they believed to see and what they are believed to know about. Further speaking one step, if you tried to get deeper understanding of Alice in Wonderland (2010), I believe you need to have a fundamental concept of parallel world. But wait a minute because we』ve got another after waiting for almost six years and I believe this one could help audiences gain a better understanding perspective of former one.
Alice through the looking glass (2016)’s basic color through out the whole movie is rather 『realistic』 compare with Burton’s version---do not blame the development of special effects using in film industry, I believe. Alice finally has to deal with some serious problem rather than fighting giant dragon ruthlessly in a dreamlike place. You see…it’s actually part of necessary growing process. Alice was an innocent curious little girl when she first entered Wonderland and almost has no further converge of any character there while a kindergartener usually don』t care that much about who he’s with and where would his partner going in future (I mean he may probably cry aloud when he forced to say goodbye but nearly a second later he begins to observe the caterpillar crawling across street). A child’s instant passion appears almost as quickly as it disappears. Alice still found herself staying around her lovely sister when she awaked. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland is purely illustrate a child’s dream; when Alice back to Wonderland she helps everything run into normal track way and act like a traditional medieval hero in Homeric hymns and she learned to manipulate her own life in realistic world (I admit if you consider those two movies and the original novel as a trilogy, at the end of Alice in Wonderland (2010) it actually starts to reveal a little bit feminism); in the latest one, Alice traces back to time to save the Hatter but she unexpectedly found herself---the old one still exist inside her through the process of experiencing the pastime. Once again she is courageous and straightforward as 『the Alice』 as the Hatter recalled. The latest film spend more time to explore the relationship between human beings---dad and son, mum and daughter, sisters and brothers---and those previous experiences awake Alice’s hidden memory of Who She Is. It’s really hard to stay true forever and this movie is an inspiring recall for Lewis Carroll’s original tale. For those who roaming through dreams and reality they are model Alice in our time…or I should say both of us?


Make the money
Don』t let the money make you
Change the game
Don』t let the game change you.

           Extract from one of my favorite song
