驚爆焦點 Spotlight


8.1 / 508,050人    128分鐘

導演: 湯瑪士麥卡錫
編劇: 喬許辛格 湯瑪士麥卡錫
演員: 米高基頓 馬克魯法洛 瑞秋麥亞當斯


2016-06-04 06:01:05


After Rezendes, the journalist from The Globe, was trying to get the exhibits of the sexual abusing to children of the pastors, the judge asked him, "Where is the editorial responsibility in publishing records of this nature?" The man questioned back, "Well, where is the editorial responsibility in not publishing them?" The film reveals a true story happened in Boston, in 2002. It was the best film in 2015 not only because it won the Academy Awards (Oscars) for BEST PICTURE, but it also has a good pace, a great theme, and deep implications.

A new editor named Marty Boron had transferred to the Boston Globe's Spotlight team in 2001. The news about a pastor, Geoghan, who acted indecently towards 8 children in a family but somewhat escaped from trial, has caught his attention. He then proposed a thought to dig the background events relate to this issue. When the investigation of the Spotlight team goes further, a larger picture of a striking truth has unmasked it's real nature. 87 active priests in Boston Archdiocese who had done those crimes to children during decades, but the Roman Catholic church hid it carefully. The Spotlight team members determined to fight against the power of the church, and to expose the actions of Boston Catholic parish for their criminal behaviors of sexual abusing children.

The film has an appropriate pace, and is clear and logical. It tells the true story chronologically. At the beginning of the film, it is slow and calm in order to provide the audiences enough background information to prepare for the conflicts. It creates a great atmosphere to have the people catch up for the coming climax. After foreshadow, the film turns into a fast speed as the conflicts between Spotlight and the church are starting to rise to the surface. The soundtrack (directed by Howard Shore) also helps creating an exciting feeling and passion when the story comes to it's upsurge.

A great theme is also a crucial part to make an excellent movie. Sex abuse has always been a sensitive topic, and it shakes people’s hearts. The journalists who are confronting a powerful institution, are not fighting against several individuals. They are fighting against the whole system, which has been ignored for years. The hardest part is not to persuade the court or the public, but themselves. It questions the characters inside the movie but also questions the viewers outside the screen. 「Spotlight」 does not have a delicate scene, or heroic figures, or criticizing either side, but to simply tell the realistic story with a velvet touch. No exaggeration but elaborate works.

The most slashing part of the film is it has deep thoughts. This film, 「Spotlight」, does not end with the cast showing on the screen, on the contrary, it’s true implication starts when the movie ends. It makes people to wonder, to reflect their life with the irrigation from the church and clergy. They are starting to doubt the purposes of those heralds of god. It also inspires the integrity inside citizens』 hearts, calls out their responsibilities to the society. This film plants a seed in side the audience’s mind, growing.

Spotlight strikes viewers hearts with appropriate pace, great theme, and deep thoughts. It is an exquisite film undoubtedly.