泳往直前--Swimming Upstream


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導演: 羅素莫卡席
演員: 傑佛瑞洛許 茱蒂戴維絲


2016-06-09 08:40:38


「We've done it! We've done it! You little beauty! You bloody little ripper!」

「I wanted to win a medal. I wanted to be a champion. And win a medal at the olympics. You know? You know, I wanted to be somebody.

You think you're nobody, hmm? Winning a medal isn't going to change that.」

「Oh, my darling boy. Only you can make something of yourself. Not your father and not me. And if swimming is what you're after, then there's always next year. But, you know, there might be something completely different for you. Nothing to do with swimming. That'll, you know... Get you out of here. If that's what you want.」

「Good on you, tony. You beat me.

Didn't beat you... Beat him.」

「This is my life... and you... you're a part of it, dad. It's for you. I know you wanted it to be john, but it's me who's done it. It's me.

That's nothing to do with me.」

「I want us to be friends again. Okay? The way we used to be. You're my brother. I love ya.」

「Mum, you're my hero.」

「The only thing I want was my father's love. Perhaps in his own way he did love me but he couldn't show 'em.」

「Someone once told me that if you're a nobody without a medal, you're still a nobody with one.」   舉報