北國性騷擾--North Country


7.3 / 36,055人    126分鐘

導演: 妮琪卡羅
演員: 莎莉賽隆 法蘭西絲麥多曼 西恩賓 伍迪哈里遜 西西史派克


2016-06-11 06:16:07


「This wasn't the first time you'd disappointed your father, was it?

Wasn't the first time he disappointed me either.」

「You act like I'm stealing. I work damn hard every day, same as you.

Oh. Now you're the same as me.

Oh, no. There's a few differences. You don't go to work scared of what they gonna write about you on walls, or what kind of disgusting thing you might find in your locker. You don't gotta be scared that one of these days you'll come to work and get raped.」

「Herds. They stay together, they have a chance. They separate, they're easy prey.」

「How are you and the kids supposed to eat if you don't have a job? I'm your mother, Josey. I haven't always been the best at it, I know. But I'm here.」

「My name is Hank Aimes and I've been a ranger all of my life. And I've never been ashamed of it until now. You know when we take our wives and daughters to the company barbecue, I don't hear any of them calling them those names like bitches and whores and worse. I don't ever see nobody grabbing them by their privates or, you know, drawing pictures of them on the bathroom wall was doing unspeakables. Unspeakables! So what's changed? She's still my daughter! Isn't she? It's a heck of a thing, watch one of your own get treated that way. You're all supposed to be my friends, my brothers. Well, right now I don't have a friend in this room. Fact, the only one here that I'm not ashamed of... is my daughter.」

「What are you supposed to do when the ones with all the power are hurting those with none? Well for starters, you stand up. Stand up and tell the truth. You stand up for your friends. You stand up even when you're all alone. You stand up.」