

7.3 / 84,111人    124分鐘

導演: 保羅索倫提諾
編劇: 保羅索倫提諾
演員: 米高肯恩 哈維凱托 瑞秋懷茲 保羅迪諾 艾德斯托帕德


2016-07-11 05:02:00



In my next life I want to live backwards.
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day.
You get kicked out for being too healthy,
then you start to work.
You work for 40 years until you are young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous.
You then go to high school, primary school,
you become a kid, you play,
you become a baby until you are born.
Quoted Woody Allen's living life backwards.
      Actually I fear to watch such a film, especially by Sorrentino. But regarding the fact whether to have ignorance about it or be poisoned, I fear more. So in the beginning, the slow motion makes me laugh, the scenes of spa makes me laugh, the kind of sarcasm about Great Britain does it the same way, until they talk about the Miss Universal, I can't go on. That dream is totally helpless, Michael. Yeah, I know, you are alreay 86, who will not? It might be impossible that I could feel exact the same thing as he dreams.
        其實我很害怕看這種類型的電影,尤其是索倫蒂諾拍的。不過要比起看不懂的尷尬,我更害怕的是悵然若失的致郁感,像一口不好喝的毒酒,還是忍不住喝了。所以在一開始,那些鏡頭下緩緩移動的人讓我笑了,那一團團氤氳的水汽讓我笑了,疑似對大英帝國的嘲諷幾乎讓我卸下了防備,卻在進入正題後對環球小姐的討論讓我笑不出來了。那種撲面而來的年輕氣息,連空氣里都是荷爾蒙卻無力的感覺,我竟有點感同身受,像他夢裡的潮水一樣從四面八方湧入壓得喘不過氣來。喔,是的,邁克,我知道你已經86歲了,但是誰又能永遠年輕呢? Paul Dano is not a favorite actor for me although he appears in some decent works now and then. I like both his kindness to the elderly and his mean words to the fame. Later, I find, he doesn't show mercy but asks for advice. He hates the criticism from people around but desires for recognition from the same side. The last straw isn't from the elderly but the younger, which is more terrifying. The girl with mightily pretty look, almost knocks him out with the words. While you're hesitating to fight against the traditions, you nearly become what they are gradually.
        我一直對保羅·達諾不太感冒,儘管他時不時地在一些佳作中冒泡。這次他對老者們的敬意和對逐利者的咄咄逼人,讓我覺得很新鮮。後來我才發現,他原來也是有所求,他恰恰是在憎恨上一輩的指指點點時,又努力地徘徊在是否要跟隨他們的腳步。他矛盾地想要擺脫一切對他的期待和蓋棺定論,又急不可耐地想被世人認可。最可怕的是壓倒他意志的最後一根稻草並不來自於年老的那一派,而是來自更年輕的代表。女孩頂著一張青春無敵的臉,告訴他,他所在乎的那些其實根本沒人在意,一記重擊幾乎讓他暈厥。當他還在猶豫還要不要繼續抗爭上一代時,已經不知不覺地變成了上一代。 Mick's experience reminds me of Deer Park by Norman Mailer. They are both against the young and Hollywood. The indulging of his old friend is like the sophisticated producer from the novel, the betrayal of his old partner is like the young passionate actress, and he is definitely our stubborn and pure soldier. However, the hero pilot would rather live extremely humble life than give in, he chooses another way to achieve it. The mountain faraway looks quite close, this is what you see when you are young, everything seems very close, and that's the future. The people beside you looks quite distant, that is what you see when you are old, everything seems really far away, and that's the past. Stop it, Mick, I'm gonna cry.
      米克的遭遇讓我想起了諾曼·梅勒的小說《鹿苑》,他們都在對抗年輕氣盛,還同時反好萊塢。老友的放任就像小說里那個飽經世故的製片人一樣,舊情人又是老搭檔的背叛不就是那個過河拆橋的多情女演員露露麼,至於我們的米克,自然就是小說中那個「我」,固執又純粹的士兵。只不過,英雄的退役飛行員寧可在卑微的生活瑣事中腐爛,也不與俗世濁流合污,他卻在影片中選擇了另一種方式。遠方的山看起來那麼的觸手可及,這就是你年輕的時候看到的景像,這就叫做未來。身邊的人看上去那麼的漸行漸遠,這就是你老了的時候看到的景像,這就叫做過去。別說了,米克,我都要哭了。 What is the most pathetic part of life? The agony of falling in hopeless love? Or the loneliness after the pursuit of vanity? You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. The youth is always wasted on the young.
       人生最可悲的部份是什麼?陷入一段無望愛情的苦澀,還是閱盡浮華後的空虛寂寞?像一個英雄一樣死去,還是苟且到目睹自己變成和大家一樣的惡棍?林語堂說:「人生在世,幼時認為什麼都不懂,大學時以為什麼都懂,畢業後才知道什麼都不懂,中年以後又以為什麼都懂,到晚年才覺悟一切都不懂」。青春啊,總是荒廢在年輕的時候。 如果您喜歡我的文章,歡迎關注微信公眾號CouchPotato
