鯨魚馬戲團--Werckmeister harmoniak


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導演: 貝拉塔爾 Agnes Hranitzky
編劇: Laszlo Krasznahorkai
演員: Lars Rudolph Peter Fitzpatrick 漢娜席古拉 Janos Derzsi


2016-07-25 10:18:22


 『』Cinema is the art of the time of images and sounds, an art developing the movements that set bodies in relation to one another in a space. 『』

『』But realism, for its part, requires us to go ever deeper into the interior of the situation itself, to expand, ever farther back, the chain of sensations, perceptions, and emotions which make human animals into beings to whom stories happen, beings who make promises, believe in promises, or cease to believe in them. As such, it is no longer with the of cial deployment of time that situations are confronted, but with their own immanent limit: there, where lived time is connected with pure repetition, there, where human speech and gestures tend toward those of animals.『』

 『』The time after is not the morose, uniform time of those who no longer believe in anything. It is the time of pure, material events, against which belief will be measured for as long as life will sustain it.『』

---《Bela Tarr the Time After》

在《Bela Tarr theTime After》一書中,作者提到貝拉塔爾電影中對於現實主義和時間的看法,現實主義讓我們探尋主角的處境,一系列的感覺,認知和情感讓人成為發生故事的主體。《鯨魚馬戲團》沒有在講一個故事,而是再現給觀眾一種種處境:片頭Janos在酒吧里以及四下無人的街上孤獨的處境,Eszter專注在音樂理論自我隔離的處境,或者是中歐小鎮人民的種種生活困境。這是一部用人物處境連接在一起的電影。
