女孩愛愛日記--The Diary of a Teenage Girl


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導演: 瑪麗艾海勒
編劇: 瑪麗艾海勒
演員: 亞歷山大斯卡斯加德 克莉絲汀薇格 克里斯多弗馬洛尼 瑪格麗塔蕾薇瓦


2016-07-31 21:17:53

hug future without you

im thinking about the sunk cost in love ,so should we finish and say goodbye is the best for us ,we cant see each other , for me .if it continue ,it cost more.or i will need to stop it. practice stopping it from now ,than i will forgot you .goodbye.
goodbye ,im pack your package in my heart,and throw them and you out. i won't waste my cost,and i won't hurt you .it is from god.than it is from god ,i try to forgot you ,try to forgot you,try my best to forgot you ,forgot touching ,forgot words, forgot memories ,forgot you.hug my future without you.