大都會傳奇--New York Stories


6.4 / 19,756人    124分鐘

導演: 伍迪艾倫 法蘭西斯柯波拉 馬丁史柯西斯
演員: 伍迪艾倫 米亞法羅 希瑟麥坎伯 尼克諾特


2016-08-31 01:33:49

Live up to the title, if you please

The title is 紐約 Stories, so you would have certain expectations. It turns out, of the three sections, only Scorsese delivered something both 紐約-ish and interesting. Coppola 紐約-ish but plain boring. Allen interesting with nothing to do with 紐約. He only name-checked his home city. In his section he made it all about himself as he often does.
The music Allen used in this film he used it again in Magic in the Moonlight which is also a story about magic and psychic.