魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking


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導演: 詹姆斯波賓
編劇: 琳達沃爾夫頓
演員: 蜜雅娃絲柯思卡 強尼戴普 薩夏拜倫柯恩 安海瑟薇 海倫娜波漢卡特


2016-09-29 05:13:39

I Want My Tears Back!

Where is the wonder where's the awe
Where's dear Alice knocking on the door
Where's the trapdoor that takes me there
Where the real is shattered by a Mad Marsh Hare
Where is the wonder where's the awe
Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for
Before the years take me
I wish to see the lost in me
I Want My Tears Back!
I Want My Tears Back Now!