魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking


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導演: 詹姆斯波賓
編劇: 琳達沃爾夫頓
演員: 蜜雅娃絲柯思卡 強尼戴普 薩夏拜倫柯恩 安海瑟薇 海倫娜波漢卡特


2016-09-29 21:39:43

Alice 2

1.Alice:The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.戰勝不可能的唯一辦法就是相信凡事皆有可能.

2.Alice:Time is a thief,and a villain.時間是小偷還是惡棍.

3.Time:Because there's one thing i do not like,it is people who are unable,unwilling or uncompelled to form short sentences.

4.Time:You can not change the past.Though I dare say,you might learn something from it.

5.Alice:I used to think time was a thief,stealing everything I loved.But I see now that you give before you take.先給予後拿回.And every day is a gift.Every hour,every minute,every second.
Time:The fallen soldier.I suppose you want me to fix it.
Alice:No,I want you to have it.

6.Alice:He used to say the only thing worth doing was what we do for others.I think he would liked you.
Time:It is said that time is a friend to no man.But I will remember you always.And please,do not come back.

7.Hamish:So you've decided to be a clerk?I knew that you would.Headstrong or not.
Mother:You're not a nice man,Hamish.Alice can do whatever Alice chooses.And so can I.

8.Mother:Higher.We'll run the ascots out of business in a year.一年後艾斯科家就別再想幹這行了.

9.Mother:Time and tide wait for no man,Mr.Harcourt.

10.Alice:But a dream is not reality.
Hatter:Who's to say which is which?