頂尖對決--The Prestige


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導演: 克里斯多福諾蘭
編劇: 克里斯多福諾蘭
演員: 休傑克曼 克里斯汀貝爾 米高肯恩 史嘉蕾喬韓森 大衛鮑伊 安迪席克斯


2016-10-10 01:45:54

The Prestige


2.Borden:Whatever.The point is a real magician tries to invent something new that other magician are gonna scratch their heads over.想破腦袋.
Cutter:And then you sell it to him for a small fortune.
Cutter:I suppose you have such a trick.
Borden:Actually,I do.
Cutter:Will you sell it to me?
Borden:No,no one else could do my trick.
Angie:Any trick can be duplicated,right?
Cutte:If Mr.Borden has invented his mastrepiece it might be only he's prepared to do it.大概只有他有辦法演出.

3.Borden:It's the wrong knot.Like I said,the Langford double will hold tighter.
Cutter:The Langford double isn't a wet knot.It's too dangerous.If the rope swells up,she won't slip it.

4.Tesla:You are familiar with the phrase,"Man's reach exceeds his grasp"?心有餘而力不足.It's a lie.Man's grasp exceeds his nerve.人類知識膽識不夠.

5.Angie 2:Yes,you would drink yoo if you knew the world half as I do.

6.Olivia:I care about the man in the box.我就關心消失的人.

7.Cutter:No,the anticipation of the trick is everything.

8.Olivia:I'm going to tell you the truth.
Borden:Now that is a slippery notion in our line of work,isn't it,Miss Wenscombe?幹我們這行沒有所謂的事實.

9.Borden:I am a humble admirer and a fellow practicioner.

10.Cutter:Do you think it was her?

11.Cutter:Obsession is a young man's game.成熟的人知道適可而止.

12.Borden:Sacrifice,that's the price of a good trick.
Angier:I've made sacrifice.
Borden:No.It takes nothing to steal another man's work.
Angier:It takes everything.(kill man)

13.Angier:The audience knows the truth.The world is simple.It's miserable.Solid all the way through.沒有奇蹟,沒有魔法.

14.Borden:Simple maybe,but not easy.

15.Borden:We each loved one of them.I loved Sarah.He loved Olivia.

16.Angier:But if you could fool them,even for a second,then you can make them wonder.Then you got to see something very special.It was the look on their faces.

17.Cutter:Now you're looking for the secret.But you won't find it because,you're not really looking.You don't really want to work it out.You want to be fooled.