夜行動物 Nocturnal Animals


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導演: 湯姆福特
編劇: 湯姆福特
原著: Austin Wright
演員: 艾美亞當斯 艾米漢默 傑克葛倫霍 麥可夏儂

2016-11-14 19:50:05

原著Tony and Susan簡評


本來是寫在原著《Tony and Susan》的書評的,有人說看了書評可以解答對電影的疑問,所以粘貼過來:

Susan(大學英語教授)20年前與丈夫Edward離婚,原因之一是Edward當時不切實際,一心想成為一名作家,最後卻沒寫出任何拿得出手的作品;20年後,Susan已經與Arnold結婚,一天突然收到了Edward寄來的小說處女作手稿《Nocturnal Animals》。

手稿的部份講述了Tony Hastings(數學教授)帶老婆Laura和Helen去Maine度假,結果路遇神經病堵道,女兒對他們豎了中指,結果最後演變成了Tony被離奇趕下了自己的車,與妻女分離,第二天自己逃生後報警,發現妻女被姦殺。Tony在這個過程中是特別「懦弱」的,面對三個神經病的暴力,無法也無力做出任何反抗。


從閱讀感受來說,整本書心理描寫非常出彩,而且語言特別美。特點就是Susan每讀一段《Nocturnal Animals》,她會自己分析一下,而讀者基本能夠和她的觀感與疑問保持同步。蠻新奇的閱讀體驗。

比如這句「She feels bruised by her reading and by life too. She wonders, does she always fight her books before yielding to them? She rides back and forth between sympathy for Tony and exasperation.」 基本上就是我自己的閱讀體驗了。


殺人犯Ray最後陳述的殺人理由 真是…………


自用 等電影前的一個劇情發展note 全是劇透 慎看

書分四部份寫的:1.Susan簡單的背景介紹,收到書稿,開始看《Nocturnal Animals》,一邊看書稿一邊有一些背景介紹和Susan對書的看法;2.插敘Susan的人生經歷,為什麼和Edward離婚,與現任Arnold又是怎麼認識的;3.回到part 1,看完整本書 4.Susan想約Edward來討論對書的看法,以及和Arnold的關係變化,看完書後的自我代入。

(電影原本說要分開拍成兩部電影的,沒能成行,猜測電影可能會以2-1-3-4的順序來拍吧 以及George Clooney本來要製片 後來退出了)

Tony被迫跟兇手上車時用了這麼一句話 「his mind sees many things, but he has not been in a fight since childhood and cannot remember winning one.」
此時距離兇殺案發生已經過去了差不多一年,Tony逐漸從傷痛中恢復,「In the late afternoon inside his house, he looked for his soul and saw only white indifference beneath the calculated displays of grief and, as that became wearisome, irritability and rage. He recognized the privileges grief had given him. What no one knew was how he had fooled them. He was an artificial man, fabricated of gestures.」同時,他還在糾結自己到底要跟一個已婚之婦搞外遇還是跟自己的研究生搞到一起,最後選了後者。。

第二部份:Susan和Edward結婚,Edward20年前突然對文學有了濃厚的興趣,一開始總跟Susan探討自己寫的詩,後來直接搬到外面去專注寫書了。就是這個時候Susan認識了鄰居Arnold,Arnold有妻子,但是精神有問題,去了醫院。有一天Susan看Arnold沒地方吃飯,就邀請他回家吃飯,然後兩人紛紛婚內出軌。(這裡特別描寫了Arnold器大活好呢 =。=)

Tony開車去找Ray,在一處Trailer發現了Ray。Ray這時候坦白確實是自己殺了Laura和Helen,原因是:「It’s fun to kill people. You ought to try it sometime.」Ray詳細說,他覺得Laura和Helen當時對他本人的印象就是「變態強姦殺人犯」,正因為這樣,他就要變成她們想像的這個樣子,所以姦殺了她們。Tony聽了實在忍無可忍,開了槍。醒來Tony發現自己什麼也看不見了,不知道原因,但他摸索到了Ray的屍體。他出門企圖尋求幫助,在半昏厥狀態中曾經聽到過警察搜救的聲音,想開槍以引起警察注意,結果傷到了自己,最後死掉了。

在第四部份 Susan開始思考Susan看到第一次Tony沒開槍時,就在想「Safe insured Susan lives on the verge of disaster because everything she knows has happened, whereas the future is blind. In a book there is no future. In its place is violence, substituting thrill for fear, like the thrill in a roller coaster. Never forget what’s possible, it says, if you, lucky Susan with secure home and family (so unlike the world), should happen like Tony to meet something vicious in the night. If you had the gun, would you use it any better than Tony?」////「To have it and be unable to use it: for Susan that’s real life, unlike the movies, where the mere display of a gun by anybody confers the powers of God.」
最後Susan想通了自己的生活與書中Tony的共通點:「Out of the forgotten she remembers how bitterly he (Edward) resented her failure to appreciate the dignity of his writing. Like blinding, he said: your attitude blinds me.///////Evidently he’s angry still. Unforgiving twenty-five years later for an offense equivalent to blinding, and the novel his revenge.」 以及對《Nocturnal Animals》結局Tony死的解釋:「While civilization oblivious to him roars in the distance, Tony lies dying, hiding from the police who should be his friends, as he hid earlier from his enemies. Dies, joyfully believing a story which is not true. It gives him comfort, but it’s not true, while death and evil rage around.」 恍然大悟。
