我愛金正恩--The Propaganda Game


6.8 / 4,006人    98分鐘

導演: Alvaro Longoria
編劇: Alvaro Longoria


2016-12-10 09:46:46

All about the hidden agenda

Relatively objective enough so far compare to other so-called documentaries of North Korea.

However, there must also be a machine gun pointing at the back of Alejandro Cao de Benos. Every country has its own standards of "political correctness", after all. You gotta say what you have to say, just like you should never say anything racial discriminative in public in the U.S. .

And, and just look at those disgusting condescending white faces represented by the Fox. Ignorant and arrogant are their labels.

Propaganda game is all about the hidden agenda. Keep your head cool and clear.
