搖滾青春戀習曲 Sing Street


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導演: 約翰卡尼
編劇: 約翰卡尼
演員: 弗帝亞威許皮洛 艾登吉倫 瑪利亞多耶肯尼迪 傑克雷諾 露西波頓


2016-12-30 11:04:09

我愛聊台詞之You never gonna go if you don't go now.

(Conor) We need to put a band together.
(Conor) I'm a futurist.
He'll be able to play music. He's black.
I.......... am....... the ...... manager.....
what the hell is wrong with him?
(Conor) what are you doing?
(Conor's brother) I'm just letting the stink of the that out, man.
Whew, that was bad, bad music.
And there is nothing as bad in this world as bad music.
You don't need to know how to play. Who are you? Steely Dan?
關於Steely Dan是什麼梗?
(Eamon) "Dangerous eyes", I like that.
What does it mean?
What's the song about Conor?
(Conor) It's like when you don't know someone, they are more interesting. They can be anything you want them to be.
But when you know them, there's limits to them.
(Eamon) No, that doesn't made any sense. What's it called?
(Conor) "The Riddle of the Model"
(Raphina) Who's your costume person?
(Raphina) Have we been to this square already?
(Conor) Uh, no.
(Raphina's adult boyfriend) What genre are you?
(Conor) I'm a futurist.
(Raphina's adult boyfriend) Epic. See you in the future then.
(Conor) She has a boyfriend.
(Conor's brother) How d'you know he's her boyfriend anyway?
(Conor) It seemed like it.
Pulled off his car. Music blurring.
(Conor's brother) What was he listening to?
(Conor) Genesis.
(Conor's brother) He will not be a problem.
No woman can truly love a man who listens to Phil 科林斯.
沒有任何女人可以真心愛上喜歡聽Phil 科林斯的男人。我擦這個槽吐的有點狠。
(Raphina) will you write me a happy song sometime? I need a laugh.
(Conor) What if I don't feel happy?
(Raphina) Your problem is that you're not happy being sad.
But that's what love is, Cosmo.
(Raphina) For our art!
You can never do anything by half, you understand that, Cosmo.
Raphina不會游泳但是果斷跳進水裡。沒有猶豫。 被拖上岸的時候她說的這段話。
(Conor) A boat is like a musical instrument -- it doesn't like it if you don't use it.
That's what my granddad said, so I like to look after it for him.
(Conor) have you seen Back in Future?
(Raphina) I see all the films.
(Conor) Why doesn't she believe in destiny?
(Raphina's roommate) Well...
She was always going on about London.
It was so important to her, almost like part of her identity.
But maybe it was just in her head.
And it wasn't really her destiny at all.
凋謝的夢想或者凋謝的語言。一個人特別想做某件事情的時候,會經歷 想告訴每個人 --> 告訴過了每個人 --> 再也不想說 --> 默念太多變成自己的一部份 --> 意識到實現不了或者自己啥也沒做對自己失望 --> 重燃希望或許忘記夢想。