哈利波特:阿玆卡班的逃犯--Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azk


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導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: J.K.羅琳
演員: 丹尼爾雷德克里夫 艾瑪華森 魯伯葛林特 蓋瑞歐德曼 邁可坎邦 艾倫瑞克曼 瑪姬史密斯


2017-01-28 22:52:44





1. 影片開頭鄧布利多和麥格教授出現在女貞路,harry的佩妮姨媽家附近,等待海格的出現:

McGonagall(麥格教授):Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?(你覺得把這麼重要的事情交給海格去辦合適嗎)

Dumbledore(鄧布利多):Professor,I would trust Hagrid with my life.(我可以把我的生命託付給他,教授)


2. 麥格教授認為將harry託付給他的糟糕的麻瓜姨媽姨夫並不妥,為此有些擔心,鄧布利多卻不這麼認為:

Dumbledore:He’s far better off growing up away from all of that until he’s ready.(讓他在遠離名聲與紛擾的地方成長不是更好嗎?直到他能接受這一切)

3. harry和Ron第一次上課遲到,走進教室沒有看到麥格教授,正在慶幸時,講桌上的貓變成了麥格教授:

Ron(羅恩):That’s bloody brilliant!(羅恩的口頭禪bloody…)(這招帥呆了!)

McGonagall:Thanks for your assement,Weasley.Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch.Then one of you might be on time.(謝謝你的評價,韋斯萊。或許我把你和波特先生變成懷錶更有用些,至少你們其中一個能準時上課)

Harry:We got lost.(我們迷路了)

McGonagall:Then perhaps a map? I trust you don』t need one to find your seats.(那就變成地圖!我們你們找座位不需要地圖吧)

4. Snape向新生講授魔藥科時對魔藥的一段介紹:

Snape(斯內普教授):As such, I don』t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that it is potion-making. However,for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the sense. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death.(事實上,我並不期待你們能領悟魔藥配製的精密科學和嚴格工藝,不過,對於少數擁有天賦的菁英,我會教你們如何讓人心蕩神馳,意志迷離;我會教你們如何提高聲望,釀造榮譽,甚至阻止死亡。)


5. Harry 沉迷在厄里斯魔鏡中,Dumbledore這樣勸誡他:

Dumbledore:Back again?Harry? I see that you, like many before you have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue.The happiest man on earth would look in the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is .( 又來了,哈利?我看出來了,你和你之前的許多人一樣發現了厄里斯墨鏡的奇妙之處. 我相信你已經知道他的功能了,讓我給你一個提示,世界上最幸福的人照鏡子的時候只能看到他們自己)

Harry:So then it shows us what we want.Whatever we want(那麼他會反映出我們想要的東西,不管是什麼) Dumbledore:Yes, and NO. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our heart.Now you ,harry, who have never known your family , you see them standing beside you. But remember this,harry, this mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it.Even gone mad.I ask you not to go looking for it again.It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.( 對,也不對。它能夠使人們看到自己內心深處最強烈最迫切的渴望, 哈利你從沒見過你的家人, 所以你看到父母站在你身邊,但是要記住,哈利,這面鏡子既不反映知識,也不傳達真相,人們在它面前虛度時光,甚至發瘋。我希望你不要再去找它了,不要沉湎於虛幻的夢想而忘了現實的生活)


6. 經過與伏地魔第一回合的戰鬥,harry找到並守護了魔法石,在學校醫院中休息的harry向鄧布利多請教心中的疑惑:

Dumbledore:Harry, do you know professor Quirrell couldn』t bear to have you touch him? It was because of your mother, she sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a mark. No ,this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.( 哈利,你知道為什麼奇洛教授受不了你碰他嗎?因為你的母親,他為了救你犧牲了自己,這樣的行為留下了印記。不,這個印記是看不到的,它生長在你的每一寸肌膚里)

Harry: what is it?那是什麼呢?

Dumbledore:Love,harry, Love愛,哈利,是愛!

7. 第一年過去了,到了評選House Cup學院杯的時候,Neville為Gryffindor獲得學院杯贏得了最關鍵的10分 .

Dumbledore: Finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies,but great deal more to stand up to your friends.I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom.我們都需要莫大的勇氣去面對敵人,但是要在朋友面前仍然立場堅定需要更大的勇氣。我將給納威隆巴頓十分!



1. 鄧布利多告訴harry為什麼分院帽會選擇將他分配到Slytherin學院

Dumbledore:It’s true.harry. you possess many of the qualities the Votdemort himself prizes.Determination,resourcefulness..and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why then, did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor? 沒錯,哈利,你的確擁有一些伏地魔自豪的特點,堅毅果敢,足智多謀,還有也不太遵守既定的規劃。可是為什麼分院帽會把你分到格蘭芬多?

Harry: Because I ask it to. 因為那是我要求的

Dumbledore: Exactly,harry,Exactly. Whicn makes you different from Voldermort. It is not our這就abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.對了,哈利,這就是你跟伏地魔不同的地方,決定我們成為哪種人的不是我們的能力,而是我們的選擇。
