派特的幸福劇本--The Silver Linings Playbook


7.7 / 744,841人    122分鐘

導演: 大衛歐羅素
編劇: 大衛歐羅素
演員: 布萊德利庫柏 珍妮佛勞倫斯 勞勃狄尼洛 賈姬威佛


2017-02-02 08:08:04

Find your own silver lining

I know how frustrated when you have tristimania. You promised to yourself do not lose your temper, do not do the things that you will regret, however you ruin it every time by your own hands. You swear to yourself abandon eating disorder from tomorrow, Shit! It's harassing you all the time. You stand there and look around, but nobody is there for you.

Luckily, Pat encounter Tiffany, she made him retrieve his faith and focus on beautiful things. Pat conquered. I will conquer it one day! Take deep breaths, embrace your life and make everyday countable!
