樂來越愛你 La La Land


8 / 690,804人    128分鐘

導演: 達米恩查澤雷
編劇: 達米恩查澤雷
演員: 雷恩葛斯林 艾瑪史東 Amiee Conn Terry Walters Thom Shelton


2017-02-12 11:39:08



結尾這個腦補的happily ever after簡直是不讓人高潮。Come on,在電影裡都不能稍微愚弄一下我的少年心嘛,非要跟紐約的有錢人和家裡的墨西哥女傭和解嘛。還有你,Ryan Gosling, stop being a always slightly angrier Ryan Reynolds and a dick once in a while, sometimes a good way though. Unlock those eyebrows, man! You have been like this since the NOTEBOOK! 還有男主的鞋。我話就放這兒了,二刷的同學嘗試不被那雙鞋帶齣戲試試,絕!對!不!可!能! Edit: 看電影的時候在想為什麼人們不喜歡jazz了,原因是很複雜的我懂,但我想把它歸結於shortened attention span. Yeah, why appreciate musicians talking through jazz when you can dance. Why try to understand music as a language when you have 10 hot chicks on instagram. Seriously, when people, including me, have to pick up their phones every 10 minutes and everything, no matter the worth, is devalued to shit.
