

2017-03-05 09:27:27

A dog’s purpose is defined by you not the dog


A dog’s purpose
It was really nice weather today and I watched this movie A DOG』S PURPOSE with auntie. This was the second pet-themed movie I』ve ever watched.

This reignited my interest in keeping a dog. We had one last year but it didn't go well since he was a sick dog and was doomed to death. His name is shadow and I still remembered the day he went away with blood/excrement stains all over the floor. He suffered enormous pains over the night. The dog seller is a treacherous, money-oriented and gross scumbag. I』m ok with people making money from animals but in a decent and humane way. One thing I hated most about him is that he pretended to be an animal loving person by saying 『keeping this dog is a great commitment and I hope the dog can embark on a happy journey with you'. Disgusting! The devil should pay for what he’s done someday.

Anyways, right now I』m keeping 2 cats called 『silver & moon』 instead. They are snow-white and cute. But sometimes they are too needy, especially silver, always comes over and licks my hands even though I』m in the middle of something. I don't know. Cats sometimes can be very lofty but very easy to take care of. Dogs on the other hand are more of a people animal. They express themselves so well that you can feel his loyalty and attachment to you, willingness to obey orders. Cats can also show their affection by licking your hands or meowing at you whatsoever but more of pleasing you for food or maybe they just crave for intimacy at some time.

What I learned from my own experience is, yes, keeping a pet is a commitment. I don't recall who said this but it makes perfect sense to me that, to owner, the pet might be just a company while to the pet, the owner is their lifetime expectation. I have to say foreigners are more serious about keeping pets than Chinese are.

The movie is warm but also full of clichés. I don't understand why Ethan ends up alone on the farm being so old and no company around at all (friends/ family). Life like that is breath-taking. Not breath-taking good but breath-taking boring. His abrupt exterior change from a handsome teenage to an old guy did strike me a bit because I guess we』d have to learn to accept getting old even deep in my heart I』m still seeing myself as a child.

The dog has two wonderful afterlives/reborn before he finally got to see Ethan again. These two parts (as in one as a police dog saving owner’s life, one as a matchmaker) seem to be quite irrelevant/random and are breaking the storyline apart a bit.

Anyways I』m wondering what kind of chemistry I can have with a dog (better to be a German shepherd).To me the point underlying keeping a pet is that unlike human relationship which takes a lot of energy and dedicate management of interactions, you can lead a solitary/single life without losing your focus(on your dream andself-actualizaition) and worrying about undesirable frustrations/setbacks a bad relationship might bring about and still have company whenever you want.

Keeping you company is beautiful and sometimes just enough, isn』t it?   舉報
