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導演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編劇: 東尼庫許納 艾瑞克羅斯
演員: 艾瑞克巴納 丹尼爾克雷格 希朗漢德 馬修卡索維茲


2017-03-19 06:38:36


「These people. They're sworn to destroy us. Forget peace for now. We have to show them we're strong. We have laws, we represent civilization. Some people say we can't afford to be civilized. I've always resisted such people. But I don't know who these maniacs are, and where they come from. Palestinians? They're not recognizable. You tell me what law protects people like these. Today I'm hearing with new ears. Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values.」

「Home is everything.」

「Unless we learn to act like them, we will never defeat them.

We act like them all the time. You think the Palestinians invented bloodshed? How do you think we got control of the land? By being nice?」

「The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong... but time and chance happens to them all. Evil falls suddenly. Who can say when it falls?」

「All this blood comes back to us.

Eventually it will work. Even if it takes years, we'll beat them.

We're Jews. Jews don't do wrong because our enemies do wrong.

We can't afford to be that decent anymore.

I don't know that we ever were that decent. Suffering thousands of years of hatred doesn't make you decent. But we're supposed to be righteous. That's a beautiful thing. That's Jewish. That's what I knew, that's what I was taught. And now I'm losing it, and I lose that, that's everything. That's my soul.」

「The world must see that killing Jews will be from now on an expensive proposition. But killing Palestinians isn't exactly cheap.」

「Eventually you forget that in the beginning you hated doing it. For me personally, I feel less every day. One day I'm going to wake up, I'm going to kill, I'm going to go back to bed, I'm not going to feel anything at all.」

「I keep seeing that Dutch woman, you know, sprawled out like that. It's not that I wish we hadn't killed her. I wish I had let you close up her housecoat.

Yeah, but you weren't yourself.」

「It costs dearly, but home always does.」

「Tell me what you learned?

What I learned?

Yes. What did you learn?」

「You are what we prayed for. What you did, you did for us. You did for your daughter, but also for us. Every one of the ones who died, died wanting this. We had to take it, because no one will ever give it to us. A place to be a Jew among Jews, subject to no one. I thank God for hearing my prayer.

Do you want to know, Mama? Do you want me to tell you what I did?

No. Whatever it took, whatever it takes. A place on Earth. We have a place on Earth. At last.」

「You think you were the only team? It's a big operation. You were only a part. Does that assuage your guilt?

Did we accomplish anything at all? Every man we killed has been replaced by worse.

Why cut my fingernails? They'll grow back.

Did we kill ro replace the terrorist leadership or the Plaestinian leadership? You tell me what we've done.

You killed them for the sake of a country you now choose to abandon. The country your mother and father built, that you were born into. You killed them for Munich, for the future, for peace.

There's no peace at the end of this, no matter what you believe. You know this is ture.」   舉報