金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island


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導演: 喬丹沃格特羅伯茲
編劇: 丹吉洛伊 邁斯鮑倫斯坦
演員: 山繆傑克森 布麗拉爾森 托比凱貝爾 湯姆希德斯頓


2017-03-25 09:00:05


《金剛:骷髏島》,還不錯的一部怪獸電影,當然也有一些值得反思的地方。 1. 反戰思想。 ——「Sometimes there is no enermy until you look for one.」 ——「You don't go into someone's house and start dropping bombs...」 ——「I guess no man comes home from war, not really. 」 ——「You take off a uniform, you got another brother.」 2. 生態保護。 ——「The plant doesn't belong to us. Ancient species owned this earth long before mankind.」 ——「Kong is a pretty good king. Keeps to himself, mostly. This is his home, we are just guests.」 3. 值得深思的。 ——「People here used to live in fear, from everything. Then some strange things happened: some of the monsters here started protecting them from the other monsters trying to kill them.」 ——「Sometimes life will just punch ya in the balls.」 ——「A tiger would win, obviously. A cub is just a baby bear. Now wait till the bear gets bigger...」
