

2017-03-27 07:13:34


第一次看這部電影應該是在剛上大三的時候的一個在家的午夜吧。看過一遍後有一種細胞觸電的感覺。所以就連續看了第二遍第三遍。但它對我的影響不只是簡單的重複觀看而已。Something in the movie gets my soul.好久沒讀過課外書的我,因為這部電影。重新開啟了我的閱讀和記日記的習慣。通過電影,我看了《1984》和《動物農場》,然後覺得再次深深地體會到了刺骨的顫慄,就像我現在的感覺一樣。
     Everyone needs something that can get us out of the sea of pain.that thing for Henry is writhing.For me,I originally is running away.But I was wrong and still wrong right now. I ran out of my life, cannot get away of the question of my soul.I always need something or someone to push me or drag me out the confusion.I am so lazy and so weak to save myself.For god's sake,I am just a ordinary person ,or maybe just a lowest creature.However,the creature happens to get a fragile heart and thoughtful mind.I am just that kind of person who thinks too much and does litte.Somehow,I write a conment to a daily.
     雖然人生本就苦澀,但仍有值得愛的人,有值得做的事情。每當自己想要放棄的時候,想想那些愛你的人,那些你想做還沒有做的事情吧。   舉報