

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2017-04-02 17:05:30

Personal Opinion


Very sensitive except the ending It happens too quick, and without crying without anything said previously, Samantha just leave. It's very hurtful to see that Catherine doesn't understand him, and it's hurtful to see that Samantha loves others simultaneously.

But I don't know...

Roberts, OS, are never human. Although they have thoughts, they still are tools. If we define that love is based on language, communications, that probably too narrow. I mean you can't have sex with OS by masturbation right? People needs feelings both physical and mental. Love is spreading by this. Not even left a part of it.

Catherine is wrong when she judged him can't deal with the real relationship and fall in love with someone totally follows his rule. However, after the quarrel, the movie doesn't point out that Catherine is wrong or he is happy that Samantha is arguing with him. This is the part that I don't understand why not adding this detail.

Oh by the way... I don't really get the idea of Shanghai being involved in the movie, what's the point? Mixture of the world?
