

2017-04-04 23:40:13

hidden women

1.Administrator:You know what's dangerous,Mr.Stafford?Inaction,and indecision.袖手旁觀,優柔寡斷才是危險. 2.Dorothy:Permanent or temp? Mrs.米契爾:Everything's temporary,Dorothy. 3.Mrs.米契爾:Do not talk to Mr.哈里斯on less he talk to you. 4.Katherine:You have your slice pie already.薄脆 5.Mrs.米契爾:You all should be thankful,you have jobs at all.有工作就該偷笑了. 6.Cornal:Or any woman like you.Though I cant imagine there's many. 7.Paul Stafford:That's right.Slowing it down at precisely the right moment,by precisely the right amount.That's the task. 8.Katherine:Something that looks at the prolem numerically,and not theoretically.Math is always dependable.數學總是可靠的. 9.Mrs.米契爾:Dispite what you may think,I have nothing against you all. Dorothy:I know.I know you probably believe that.我當然知道你知道. 10.Mr.哈里斯on:Progress is a double edged sword. 11.Mr.哈里斯on:It's out of my hands,if you can believe that.你知道這不是我能決定的. 12.Paul:The heat shield may have come loose.防熱罩好像鬆了. 13.Astronut:Beautiful chutes.How do I look,Capcom? Capcom:Your Go/No Go is good.Landing coordinates are spot on,7. 14.Mr.哈里斯on:You think we will get to the moon? Katherine:We're already there,sir. 15.Katherine Johnson went on to perform calculations for the Apollo Ⅱ mission to the moon and the space shuttle. In 2016,NASA dedicated the Katherine G. Johnson Computational Building in honor of her groundbreaking work in space travel.電算大樓 16.hidden figures,關鍵少數
