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導演: 史蒂芬佛瑞爾斯
編劇: 史帝夫庫根
演員: 茱蒂丹契 史帝夫庫根 瑪麗溫寧漢 西恩馬洪


2017-04-05 05:30:20

I forgive you

母親Philomena通過與兒子生前的朋友,愛人的談話,還有照片以及影像去構建對那個失散幾十年的兒子的認識。"He was smart,and he had a firm handshake."""He was a very sensitive little boy.And as the years rolled on I always wandered if he might be(a gay).Then,when I saw that photograph of him in the dungarees,well there was no doubt in my mind"

Philomena一直在想兒子這麼多年是否有想念她,是否在找她,當他在兒子生前伴侶Peter家裡觀看兒子生前的錄像,他彈鋼琴,盪鞦韆,開心的笑,這時Peter說"He was looking for you."這時她內心的情感應該像洪水決堤一般吧

"The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started,and know the place for the first time"–湯瑪士 Stearns Eliot(1888-1965 英國詩人,劇作家,文學批評家)

馬丁對萬惡的老修女說"I think if Jesus was here right now he'd tip you out of that fucking wheelchair"但是Philomena卻寬恕了傷害過她的那些罪惡"I don't want to hate people.I don't want to be like you."

這讓我想起曼德拉說過的那句名言"When I walked out of the cell, beyond the prison doors to freedom, I already know, if you can't put the grief and resentment behind, so I actually still in prison. "

