

2017-04-13 20:07:21

Outline of 《Into the White Night》


《Into the White Night》was a novel which was written by Higashino Keigo from 1997 to 1999.It is one of the best works belong to Higashino Keigo. The background of the story was the bubble economy of Japan. The bareness of human nature was one of the typical character of people who lived in the bubble economy in Japan. The readers will find that almost everyone in this novel is not bright. There must be someplace or something that the person in the novel would keep in secret. But from the readers』 perspective, the most hopeless of human life and the most simple hope of human will impress the reader deeply.
The summary of 《Into the White Night》
The policeman found a dead body in a shabby building. They got into this case in many different ways but all of the clues led to failure finally. The case was unsolved and ignored by everyone except Sasagaki.
Time went by, Ryoji, who was the son of the dead person, became a normal human being who worried about the basic surviving and earned money in some underhand ways. While Yukiho,who was the daughter of the suspect,walked into the upper crust from an ordinary background. It seemed that they were different people who would never cross with each other. However, the people around them always died or encountered unfortunate events strangely. Nearly two decades after the unsolved case passed. Sasagaki found that Ryoji had killed his father to protect Yukiho and they kept secret touch, killed people to survived. But Sasagaki owned no evidence to show their crime. To stop Sasagaki’s investigation and keep Yukiho from the punishment of law, Ryoji chose to suicide to end every clue might lead to the truth.
The novel was designed by the third person. But the author wrote it from the perspective of the people in the novel. Therefore, the novel would be better if it was designed by the first person. More importantly, the main relationship between Ryoji and Yukiho, which was the main reason that led this story, was not by described by any word. Even how Ryoji rescued Yukiho from the shabby building, was not mentioned everywhere. All of this were predicted by the readers.

To be honest, we can observe that Higashino Keigo’s ability of words is fascinating. Never did he tell the truth about how the person was murdered directly. He just gave enough clues objectively and left the deduction to the readers, such as how Yukiho killed her mother. He left the foreshadowing naturally and reasonable. You can not stop reading his novels if you prefer this writing style. Besides, this novel depicted the complexity of the human beings. The truth of the story may not be so important when the read come to the end of the story, and what we care most may be the result of Ryoji and Yukiho. The relationship and activity of Ryoji and Yukiho were really hard to give a evaluation. One that is hated must have a sorrowful story.
It was absolutely that this novel was a tragedy. We should pay more attention to the education of children, which was a hard topic. We always emphasized the importance of the education, but in my opinion, what should we do is much more important than our opinion. No one can own two childhood. The main reason of the tragedy is the two children lived in families which were lacked of love. The parents existed lots of defects in character. How could they teach their children in a correct way. The idea, which one needs no test in character if he or she wants to be parent, makes me feel that the world is too terrible.   舉報
