玩命關頭8 The Fate of the Furious

速度与激情8/ 狂野时速8(港) / 玩命关头8(台) / 速激8 / 速8 / 速度8 / The Fast and the Furious 8 / Fast & Furious 8 / Fast Eight / Furious Eight / Furious 8 / Fast 8

6.6 / 258,121人    136分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞葛雷
演員: 馮迪索 巨石強森 史考特伊斯威特 傑森史塔森 莎莉賽隆 海倫米蘭 蜜雪兒羅莉葛茲

2017-04-15 07:36:29

Never say goodbay

Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. 劇情依舊毫無邏輯,但視覺衝擊給滿分,萌化了的「小保羅」,一家人的晚餐又如約而至……
