歡樂好聲音 Sing


7.1 / 194,874人    108分鐘

導演: 葛斯詹寧斯
編劇: 葛斯詹寧斯
演員: 史嘉蕾喬韓森 馬修麥康納 尼克奧佛曼 瑞絲薇斯朋 泰隆艾格頓


2017-04-23 04:08:28

Dream a big dream

Whatever who you are, whatever how ordinary you is, you once had a dream. And it may crashed by the reality, it will appear when it get chance. I like the sentence from the movie"Don't let fear stop you from doing the things you love."

It's like one movie from Zhou's, which said"The one who do not have a dream is just like a loser." So, no matter how old you are, no matter how other condions is poor, once get chance, do it. Let your life burn like a splendld firework. Don't feel regreted when you arw old.
