玩命關頭8 The Fate of the Furious

速度与激情8/ 狂野时速8(港) / 玩命关头8(台) / 速激8 / 速8 / 速度8 / The Fast and the Furious 8 / Fast & Furious 8 / Fast Eight / Furious Eight / Furious 8 / Fast 8

6.6 / 258,121人    136分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞葛雷
演員: 馮迪索 巨石強森 史考特伊斯威特 傑森史塔森 莎莉賽隆 海倫米蘭 蜜雪兒羅莉葛茲


2017-04-23 07:44:31

Fast furious 8 via boxhope(盒子書生)

沒有了布萊恩和米婭,這不再是講家長里短的電影,而是在上層建築探討家庭觀的商業大片。 準確來說,是用高層的意識形態來維護從fast5到fast forever的連續劇。 人類文明發展到今天,這個地球上99%的人能看到什麼,基本都是那1%的人決定的。 當多米尼克托雷托說:「你應該kiss the baby,因為這個baby,你、你的安防、你的飛機才得以存在。」的時候,深深感受到彷彿那1%的人對我們說,雖然這個世界我們說了算,但沒有關係,我們開心的時候不會叫你們去死。 反派很驚艷,束髮女性魅力淋漓盡致的揮發,瀰漫整個影片,有朋友被萊蒂的「This's my girl.」撩到,個人覺得反派更charming.隱約覺得很像妮可基特曼。對比「普羅米修斯」裡面的角色,美麗與智慧並重哇。 影片邏輯清晰,畫點成面,一氣呵成,看完很享受。布萊恩及米婭正式從玩命關頭系列退役,只留下皮爾斯的一句台詞和他侄子名字的延續。 最後送Furious系列金句: 1.I don't have any cash, but I do have the pink slip to my car. I lose, the winner takes my car, clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash, and I take the respect.(via 1 brian) 2.When you got busted, you know, whether I was a cop or not, if there was any thing I could have done, I would have done it, and I just want you to know that.(via 2 brian) 3."What's the point of a race?" "To see if I'm better than the other guy." "Just proves that you are faster, that's all. If I were to race, I would have to be for something, important. Or why else do it at all?"(via 3 han) 4.Who you chose to be around you lets you know who you are. And one car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of, that's a price I can live with. Look at all those people down there, they follow the rules, for what? They're letting fear lead them. Life is simple, you make choice and you don't look back.(via 3 han) 5.Ride or die, remember? (via 4 letty) 6.To the ladies we loved and the ladies we lost.(via 4 campos ) 7.Well, starts with the eyes. She got have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit to the good in some one. 20% angel, 80% devil, down to earth.(via 4 Dom) 8.Maybe you're not the good guy pretended the bad guy, maybe you're the bad guy pretended the good guy,do you ever think about that?(via 4 mia) 9.You asked me why I let Dom go? I think because that moment, I respected him more than I did myself. One think that I learnt from Dom is that nothing really matters unless you have a code.(via 4 brian) 10.Money will come and go, we know that. (via 5 Dom) 11.「How did you know that there would be a car there to break our fall?" "I didn't. Some things you just have to take on faith."(via 6 dom & letty)
