真愛一世情--Legends of the Fall


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導演: 愛德華史威克
編劇: Jim Harrison (Ⅰ) Susan Shilliday
演員: 布萊德彼特 安東尼霍普金斯 艾登昆恩 茱莉亞歐蒙


2017-04-27 09:35:44


      其實仔細想想,Tristan和Susan無疾而終哪裡怪得到Alfred呢,問題的根源在於Tristan對Susan本就沒有傾注太多的感情,在我看來Susan只是Tristan轉移自己傷痛的工具。對被拋棄的Susan而言,Alfred已經是超乎她預期的歸宿。以Alfred的能力,他何嘗會找不到一個可人的女子呢?選擇迎娶Susan,因為他是一個深情的人,這一點在電影中有多處映證:Tristan拒絕談論離去的母親,而Alfred卻保持和母親的書信往來;Tristan拋下Susan環遊世界是說走就走,絕無半點留戀,而Alfred面對Susan的拒絕時說出了」Is there any hope that you could learn to love me?「,在面對父親的質疑時說出「I loved her ! I love her still「,可謂柔情似水、一往情深。
        1. Narration: She was not to blame. She was like the water that freezes in the rock. And splits it apart. It was no more her fault than it is the fault of the water when the rock shatters
        2. Alfred: Gentlemen, my father, for whom I have the deepest respect say that the government has neither wisdom nor humanity. I will then consider it my absolute duty as my father's son to bring both Wisdom and Humanity to the United States Congress. I thank you for your blessing father.
        3. Susan: Forever turned out to be too long., Tristan.
        4. Susan: I want her to die. Maybe I even wanted Samuel to die.
        Tristan: You had nothing to do with Samuel's death. And you had nothing to do with Isabel's death.
        5. Alfred: I followed all the rules, man's and God's. And you, you followed none, and they all love you more, Samuel, father, and even my own wife. I'd like a moment alone with her, Tristan.
        6. Alfred:(to Susan) Is there any hope that you could learn to love me?
        7. Alfred: I loved her! I love her still