環太平洋--Pacific Rim


6.9 / 536,447人    131分鐘

導演: 吉勒摩戴托羅
編劇: 吉勒摩戴托羅 崔維斯畢奇漢
演員: 查理漢納 朗帕爾曼 伊卓瑞斯艾巴


2017-05-02 05:27:02

Pacific Rim

It's unbelievable and amazing that movie can show us in that way. I have to admit that China has lag far behind in this aspect. And you can touched by his bravery, willing to scarifice himself for the country, for the human. When his son replace him to the mission he said proudly"he is my son." And at last, the man with his marshel, ha said calmly"it is my pleasure". They are grand.

And the Jaeger are also amazing. I admire the imagination of these people. They can design a totally monster to fight against monster. To our regret, China's Cromson Typhoon is easily be tackled.

I look forward to the next one.
