

2017-05-04 07:57:04


Tradition 傳統 Honour 榮譽 Discipline紀律 Excellence 優秀

每個被送進來的學生都帶著家長熱切期待的目光,I well domybest 我會努力的,He was born with his foot in his mouth . You know what I mean?他是狗嘴裡吐不出象牙你懂我的意思嗎?


After you have finished medical school.and you are on your own ,then you can do as you damn well please.等你讀完醫科大學之後,你想幹什麼就幹什麼,but until then ,you do as I tell you,Is that clear?但在那之前,你得聽我的,明白了嗎?我很慶幸我有自主選擇的權利,但是我覺得我覺得父母這樣做也是對的,告訴孩子你是未來的律師,未來的醫生,挺好的,從上初中就有目標,考哈佛,當醫生,但當真的意識告訴自己想要做演員,被家長忽視,選擇自殺,就覺得同學的意志太差了,習慣順從了,便不會表達,選擇沉默的死亡,其實是逃避

O Captain,my Captain. It's from a poem by Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln.出自華特惠特曼為亞伯拉罕林肯寫的一首詩

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may 及時採集你的花蕾 Old time is still a-flying舊時光一去不回 And this same flower that smile today .tomorrow will be dying.今天尚在微笑的花朵,明日便在風中枯萎,

Carpe diem .that is Seize the day


Is one day going to stop breathing .turn cold and die.有一天都會停止呼吸,變冷,死亡

make your lives extraordinary讓你的生命不同尋常

I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life 我希望活的深刻 吸取生命中所有的精華,To put to rout all that was not life,把非生命的一切都擊潰,and not,when I had come to die.以免 當我生命終結discover that I had not lived 發現自己從來沒有活過 It was a dark and rainy night and this old lady這是一個漆黑的雨夜'Tis not too late to seek a newer word尋找新的世界尚為時不晚 For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset我決心已定,要駛過夕陽盡頭To strive to seek to find

