

2017-05-07 22:24:17

Live delibrately


We don't read and write poetry because it's cute
We read and write poetry because we are menbers of human race, and human race is build of passion
But poetry, beauty, romance, love
These are what we stay alive for

I went to the wood because i wanted to live the deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the merit of live, to put suround all that not life, and no when i come to die and discovered that i not lived

A man is not very tierd he is exhausted
and don't use very sad, use ..
Language is deveope for one endevour
to w.. woman

Just when u believe u know something
u have to consider to see it another way even it may seems stupid or wrong... u must try
when u read, don't consider author think, consider what u think
boy, u must try to find ur own voice , the longer u wait to begin, the less u likey u r to find it

Most man lives life of quiet and desperation, don't be resign to that, break out, don't just w

Mr.安德生, u sitting there in agony, come on, step out let's put out ur misery.

Mr.安德生 thinks everything inside him is worthless and embarrassing, right? that's your worst fear
I think u r wrong, I think something inside you that worth a great deal


The truth is the blanket
u push it u stretch it, it never be enough, u kick out and beat it, it never cover any of us, from the moment we into crying to the moment we live dying, it will just cover ur face, u wear and crying and scream

The difficulty of mantaining the your own believes in the face of others
we all have a great need for accepting
but you must trust that your believe are unique, even though others may think they are ugly, unpopular