飛越杜鵑窩--One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


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導演: 米洛斯福曼
編劇: Lawrence Hauben Bo Goldman
演員: 傑克尼柯遜 露易絲馥萊雪 Michael Berryman Peter Brocco


2017-05-21 23:25:46


1.I'm awfully proud of that picture,That's the first Chinooker I ever caught.
我對這照片引以為傲 那是我第一次釣到那種魚。
2.And every time he put the bottle to his mouth,he don't suck out of it.It sucks out of him until he'd shrunk so...
每一次他把酒瓶放進嘴裡 不是他喝酒而是酒喝他,直到他萎縮變成有很多皺紋 皮膚也變黃,連狗都不認識他。
3.You let me go on hassling Nurse Ratched here,knowing how much I had to lose and you never told me nothing!
你讓我去騷擾瑞秋護士 而卻不告訴我該如何被釋放。
4.Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't,stand it in this place here, and then you haven't got the guts to walk out?What do you think you are, for Christ's sake? Crazy or something?Well, you're not. You're not!You're no crazier than the average asshole out walking around on the streets.
我是說你們一直抱怨這個地方 但是你們沒有勇氣走出這裡,你們以為你們是瘋子嗎?你們不是…你們跟街上的混蛋 沒有什麼兩樣。
5.If that's what being crazy is,then I'm senseless, out of it, gone down the road, whacko.
如果這就是瘋狂的話,那我跟街上那些瘋子 的確沒有什麼兩樣。
6.in terms of the human relationships, the juxtaposition of,one person to another, the form, the content.
在人類的關係中 人與人之間外表與內涵的並容。
7.Nurse Ratched: If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrangethat he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it.
8.I want you to know something right here and now, Miss Ratched!I ain't no little kid! I ain't no little kid! - You sit down!When you're gonna have cigarettes kept from me like cookies...
我要慎重的告訴你一件事 瑞秋小姐,不要把我當小孩子,你坐下 我不是個小孩子,你一直控制我的煙 像是控制小孩的餅乾。
9.I'm talking about form! I'm talking about content!I'm talking about interrelationships!I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven!
我是在談跟每個人有關的 我是在談外表,我是在談內涵,我是在談人際關係,我是在談神,惡魔 地獄,天堂。
10.Have you ever heard the old saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss"?Yeah.Does that mean something to you?It's the same as "Don't wash your dirty underwear in public."
你有沒有聽過一句俗話 「滾石不生苔」,有啊,對你有任何意義嗎?這跟不要在公共場合 洗內衣褲是一樣道理。