心靈小屋 The Shack

陋室/ 天堂小屋(港) / 心灵小屋(台) / 小屋

6.3 / 23,091人    132分鐘

導演: 史都華海澤丁
編劇: John Fusco Andrew Lanham 德斯汀克雷頓
原著: William P. Young Wayne Jacobsen Brad Cummings


2017-05-23 01:12:47


1.Mack:You are everywhere all at once.And you have limitless power.Yet somehow you let my little girl die. 2.Elousia:Son,when all you see is your pain,you lose the sight of me. 3.Elousia:You misunderstand mystery. 4.Mack:I get that you're all connected.But I feel way more relaxed around you. Truth:To see me is to see them. 5.Jesus:Sarayu.It means breath of wind. Sarayu is creativity.Action.The breath of life.She is my spirit. 6.Jesus:You are in the center of our love and purpose. 7.Elousia:I don't need to punish people.Sin is its own punishment.I'm in the middle of everything you perceive to be a mess,workin' for your good.That's what I do.感覺到. 8.Mack:What celebration? Sarayu:If you wanna know,you'll stick around. 9.Sarayu:To prepare the ground,we have to dig up all the roots,or they'll return and harm the new growth.

10.Elousia:I can work incredible good out of unspekable tragedies.But that doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Mack:Why do you keep working on me? Elousia:Because that's what love does. Mack:I don't really understand relationship,do I? Elousia:Men.Such idiots sometimes. Mack:Do I hear God call me idiot? Elousia:If the shoe fits,yes,sir.If the shoe fits. 11.Papa:Nobody gets away from anything.Everything bears consequences.Forgiveness doesn't a establish relationship.It's just about letting go of his throat. 12.Papa:Mackenzie,you're such a joy. Mackenzie:I'm still angry. Papa:Of course you are.No one lets go all at once.You might have to do it 1,000 times before it gets any easier.But it will. 13.Elousia:It does a body good to let the healing water flow.(tears) 14.Sarayu:Mack,you're important,and so is everything you do. Jesus:Every time you love,Mack,or forgive,with every act of kindness,the universe changes.For the better. Elousia:If anything matters then everythinig matters.

15.Mack:When I go back,I still want you in my life. Sarayu:I always was. Jesus:I always am. Elousia:I always will be. Mack:That's good,'cause I've become especially fond of you. Jesus:I love you,Mack. 16.Willie:He has become a child again.Or maybe the child he was never allowed to be,abiding in simple trust and wonder.
