猜火車2 T2 Trainspotting


7.2 / 134,352人    117分鐘

導演: 丹尼鮑伊
編劇: Irvine Welsh John Hodge (Ⅰ)
演員: 伊旺麥奎格 勞勃卡萊爾 強尼李米勒 艾文布萊納

2017-05-23 08:55:26

Choose Life

choose life, choose Facebook, twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and thousands of other ways to ?spill you by across ?people you never met.

Choose updating your profile, tell the world what you have for breakfast and hope that some one in somewhere cares.

Choose looking up for old flames, desperately to believe that you don't look that bad that they do.

Choose live blogging from your first wank to your last breath, human interactions reduce to nothing more than data.

Choose ten things you never know about celebrities who had surgeries.

Choose screaming about abortions.

Choose ? jokes, slut shaming, revenge porn, and endless to tired depressing misogyny.

Choose? contract, two hour journey to work.

And choose the same for your kids and only worse, and maybe tell yourself that it's better if they never happened.

And then sit back and smother the pain with none known doze with none known drug made in somebody's fucking kitchen.

Choose unfulfilled promise and wishing you have done it all differently.

And choose never learning from your own mistakes.

Choose watching history repeat itself.

Choosing the slow ?you can get rather than what you always hoped for.

Choose disappointment.

And choose losing the one you loved ?and piece of you died with them until you can see that one day in the future piece by piece they will all be gone and there will be nothing left of you to call it a life or dead.

Choose your future.

Choose life.
