

2017-05-24 19:30:35


Here's what you're up against.In 1980,religious organization mobilized and put Reagon on the White Basically,from that monment .The republicons made on alliance with Christion right and when Puritans start manipulating politicions and hijacking govenment that's when censorship laws get weird.Here's how it works"Let's say there is a television show like Skins.When you have teenagers having sex、ingesting drugs,etcetera,etcetera.I like that show .Here's why it's no longer on in the US:Groups like the PTC rally their religious base,to send e-mails and phone calls to DC,to the FCC,to the Press,to the network,and in skin'case,MTV.The sponsors freak out .They pull their ads .MTV freak out .No more money ?
Puritanical ideology meet commerce .Show's off the air.
Okay,first thing you have to understand is this not about fighting.Whatever you fight grows stronger.
This is not about politics.
This is about the hearts and minnds of the people.
You want to shake things up?Take a page out of the Christionn right's book.Use the same tactics they employ on your couse.We're a product of this Puritanical culture,but let me ask you this "Who do you think runs the world ?
The 1%?No.
The Illuninati?
The poeole when the masses align,Rome falls.Egypt falls ,it all falls down .
The theory ,but……No ,not in theory ,In real time.
What do you think all those little religious groups across the great unwashed are made of ?
A bunch of people.
What you need is a state-of-the-art campaign that will be the butterfly wing that will trigger the tsunamir of signatures to petitions,You drive to 華盛頓 via social media .
When you reach your critical mass,I'll take care of the Press.CNN,FOX,BBC.I'll make a few phone calls ,and suddenly the great media monster's eyes will turn forward you .For 15minutes.Maybe 15 seconds .
In that moment.What are you gonna say?

這就是我們要面對的,在1980年宗教組織動員把雷根送進白宮。基本上從那時候起共和黨與基督教右翼結盟,清教徒操縱政客和劫持政府,這就是審查制度變得怪異起來。要成功就得這麼做,我們來說一部電視劇《皮囊》。你可以看到年輕人一起做愛、吸毒等等 之類的,我喜歡這部電視劇。在美國這些不復存在的原因如下:像美國參數技術公司這樣的公司召集他們的宗教基礎力量發郵件、打電話給哥倫比亞特區和美國通信委員會、新聞界、網路還有《皮囊》這個案例里 ,MTV也包括,贊助商害怕了,他們撤了廣告,MTV害怕了,再也沒有錢了,清教徒的思想適應了商業規律,電視劇沒有了。
首先你們要認識到的是這跟鬥爭沒有關係 ,無論你們鬥爭變得多強大,這根政治無關,只跟人們的心思有關係。
NO,you do.
你認為 所有這些下層社會的小宗教團體是什麼構成的?一大群人