異形:聖約 Alien: Covenant


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導演: 雷利史考特
編劇: 約翰洛根 但丁哈柏 傑克‧帕格倫
演員: 麥克法斯賓達 凱薩琳華特斯頓 詹姆斯法蘭科


2017-05-24 21:46:05

Ripley Scott must be a Breaking Bad fan (Breaking Bad References in Alien: Coven

華特 - Do I even need to elaborate this?

Some girl to the captain: "They will be our neighbors... so tread softly." - 華特 said to Hank: "If you don't know who I am... then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly." (Season 5 Episode 9)

David and 華特 talked about the poem "Ozymandias" by Shelley. - "Ozymandias", Season 5 Episode 14 of Breaking bad.

Am I overeating? Absolutely. But if you are able to find more Breaking Bad references, please comment below.

After all, it was a fun film to watch for sure.