雨人--Rain Man


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導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2017-05-25 21:21:07

My Raymond &my rainman


My Raymond
I have a brother,why does everyone hide it from me.
I have a brother,mythical and unbelievable.
I have a brother,asking who is on the first all the time,
I have a brother, I shared the brilliant pancakes with maple
with him joyfully.

I have a brother beyond compare,a shining star joint to my heart.
My Raymond,my rain man.
Sing a song for me,drawing the happiness as close as he could,
appreciating the outstanding girl ,touching each nerve in that mild manner.
Filling the tub for me,crying loudly "hot water burned baby",striking my
spirituality ,unveiling all the bittersweet truths.
I know you as I know myself.

My big brother who led me through all the ups and downs,we just
driving in the dusk,melting speechless evening glow away.
Don't you remember how we laughed the ass off.

Deeply rooted in my memory was your shadow your voice your direct
eye contact with the world.
Meaning different to this world contributes to nothing but a far more brilliant
Counting the cards as you do,well ,I'd like to counting your steps.It is those
steps polishing my course,my voyage,my life.

My Raymond ,my rain man.There's nothing I can do to make up for the
spring -running-like old days,but I do care.
Walking in the weeds,I fall into the loneliness,silence floods over me mercilessly
,shaking the sky into pieces.
Where are you? My Raymond my rain man.

A hug for a dance&A joke for a cheese ball.

Here in the diminishing night,rushed are the cars anxiously.
Covering myself with a sheet of air ,I promise you a sweetly tomorrow.
My Raymond my rain man.