2017-05-29 22:38:35
在這個空虛的假期里懶懶的打開這部在空虛和死亡中面臨選擇的三個女人的電影,很喜歡整片的氣息,有的人神經奔潰受盡折磨可就是不想過平淡生活,有的人男人孩子房子車子什麼都有但始終感受到莫天空虛,有的人用盡力氣去愛去照顧但儘是彼此牢籠。電影要表達的東西蠻多,台詞太棒:Dear Leonard, to look life in the face, always. To look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it, for what it is. And then, to put it away. Leonard, always the years between us, always the years, always the love, always the hours. 親愛的倫納德,要直面人生,永遠要直面人生,了解它的本質。最後,認清它,熱愛它的本質。然後,從中得到解脫。倫納德,永遠記住我們之間的歲月,那些歲月,永遠記住我們的愛。