

2017-06-04 22:41:09



" Most of the teachers here, at one point, they believed that they could make a difference. I know how important it is to have guidance, to have someone help understand the complexities of the world that we live in. I didn't really have that growing up." "There should be a prerequisite curriculum for being a parent before people attempt. Don't try this at home!" ASSIMILATE: to take something in, to absorb UBIQUITOUS: everywhere, all the time Ubiquitous Assimilation: always absorb everything everywhere all the time. "How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you?

having two opposing beliefs at once, believing that both are true. " To deliberately believe in lies while knowing they are false. Examples of this in everyday life. 'I need to be pretty to be happy.' 'I need surgery to be pretty.' 'I need to be thin, famous, fashionable.' " "So to defend ourselves and fight against assimilatng this dullness into our thought processes, we must learn to read, to stimulate our own imaginations, to cultivate our own conciousness, our own believe systems. we all need these skills to defend, to preserve our own minds." "I wish things were different. I tried, you know. Fucked-up thing is that we all have problems, we all have things we're dealing with, right? Some days are better than others. Some days were not so great. Some days we have a limited space for others."  "We're failing. We're failing, failed to a sense that we have let everyone down, including ourselves." The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe 「During the whole of a dull,dark soundless day  In the autumn of that year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in heaven I had been passing alone on the horse's back Through the Singularly,dreary tract in the country and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on Within the view of melancholy House of Usher I know not how it was     But with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit      I looked upon the scene before me the simple landscape features of the domain      Upon the bleak walls,upon the white trunks of decayed trees   With the utter depression souls  There was an iciness  A sinking. A sickening of the heart 」
