辛普森:美國製造--O.J.: Made in America


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導演: Ezra Edelman
演員: Bea Arthur Marcia Clark A.C. Cowlings David Gascon Robin Greer 彼得海姆斯


2017-06-10 17:24:13

everything may happen

Turn from nobody to somebody wasn't happen overnight.At first,OJ had a clear mind.He wasn't willing to stay in the slum,he didn't want to be like any other ordinary blackmen who live their life without fame and applause.He was eager to be different ,he wanted to be unique,beyond the color of his skin,and he just wanted to be always surrounded and followed by the crowd.He put his whole life on it.In China,everyone shall pay for his illegal behavior,no matter he's the emperor or just an ordinary man.

It's hard to understand how could such a person who had got everything he wanted be so cruel,never will I understand.And how ridiculous it was that he's not guilty.Such situation would only be possible in America.How could they turn a blind eye to so many obivious evidences,how could he be so impudent to get acquitted by playing the ricail card while the blackmen needed him,he rejected them and said that he's OJ,stands for neither black side or white side.Never have I seen such a brazen guy.And that's America of that time under that circumstance.

And I feel regret for the white woman layer,she's working so hard and she saw the whole thing so clearly.That's a crime about murder and domestic violence ,nothing to do with racism. And the two mistakes are vital in this case.Except for the word unbelievable ,i can't find another word which is more suitable to express my feeling.Though it did happen.

Justice has a long way to go.
