八月三十一日,我在奧斯陸--Oslo, 31. august


7.6 / 29,723人    95分鐘

導演: 尤沃金提爾
編劇: 尤沃金提爾
演員: 安德斯丹尼爾森李 漢斯奧拉夫布雷納 英格麗奧拉瓦 約翰娜凱萊維克萊當


2012-06-20 09:13:55




"I want to marry, have kids.
Travel the world. Buy a house.
Have a romantic holidays.
Eat only ice cream for a day.
Live abroad.
Reach and maintain my ideal weight.
Write a great novel.
Stay in touch with old friends.
I want to plant a tree.
Make a delicious dinner from scratch.
Feel completely successful.
Go ice bathing, swim with dolphins.
Have a birthday party, a proper one.
Live to be a hundred.
Stay married until I die.
Send an exciting message in a bottle and get an equally interesting reply.
Overcome all my fears and phobias.
Lie watching the clouds all day.
Have an old house full of knickknacks.
Run a full marathon.
Read a book that’s so great I』ll remember quotes from it all my life.
Paint stunning pictures that show how I really feel.
Cover a wall with paintings and words close to my heart.
Own all the seasons of my favourite shows.
Attract attention to an important issue, make people listen to me.
Go skydiving, skinny-dipping, fly a helicopter.
Have a good job I look forward to every day.
I want a romantic, unique proposal.
Sleep beneath open skies.
Hike on Besseggen, act in a film or play at the National Theatre.
Win a fortune in the lottery.
Make useful everyday items.
And be loved."

- Oslo, August 31st (2011)